5. 2b. Grammar - Unit 2
Hướng dẫn giải Bài 1 (Trang 26 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 - Bright)
<p><strong>B&agrave;i 1</strong></p> <p><strong>1. Identify the tenses of the verbs in bold in sentences (1&ndash;5). Then match them to their uses (a&ndash;e).</strong></p> <p>1. _____ They&nbsp;<strong>got</strong>&nbsp;their tickets,&nbsp;<strong>entered</strong>&nbsp;the theatre and&nbsp;<strong>walked</strong>&nbsp;to their seats.</p> <p>2. _____ Eva&nbsp;<strong>was watching</strong>&nbsp;TV at 9:15 last night.</p> <p>3. _____ Frank&nbsp;<strong>was practising</strong>&nbsp;his role when the director&nbsp;<strong>called</strong>&nbsp;him into her office.</p> <p>4. _____ At 7 o&rsquo;clock yesterday evening, I&nbsp;<strong>was listening</strong>&nbsp;to music while Ann&nbsp;<strong>was watching&nbsp;</strong>TV.<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>5. _____ We&nbsp;<strong>went</strong>&nbsp;to the theatre yesterday.</p> <p><strong>a.</strong>&nbsp;actions that happened one after another in the past</p> <p><strong>b.</strong>&nbsp;an action that was happening at a definite time in the past</p> <p><strong>c.</strong>&nbsp;actions that were happening at the same time in the past</p> <p><strong>d.</strong>&nbsp;an action that happened at a certain time in the past</p> <p><strong>e.</strong>&nbsp;an action that was happening in the past when another action interrupted it</p> <p><strong>Phương ph&aacute;p giải:</strong></p> <p><strong>Past Simple&nbsp;</strong><em>(th&igrave; qu&aacute; khứ đơn)</em>: d&ugrave;ng để diễn tả một h&agrave;nh động, sự việc diễn ra v&agrave; kết th&uacute;c trong qu&aacute; khứ.</p> <p>- C&acirc;u khẳng định:</p> <p>+ Động từ &ldquo;to be&rdquo;:&nbsp;<em>S + was/ were + adj/N</em></p> <p>+ Động từ thường:&nbsp;<em>S + V<sub>2/ed</sub>&nbsp;+ &hellip;</em></p> <p>- C&acirc;u phủ định:</p> <p>+ Động từ &ldquo;to be&rdquo;:&nbsp;<em>S + was/were + not + adj/N</em></p> <p>+ Động từ thường:&nbsp;<em>S + did not + V bare + &hellip;</em></p> <p>- C&acirc;u hỏi:</p> <p>+ Động từ &ldquo;to be&rdquo;:<em>&nbsp;Was/Were + S + adj/N ?</em></p> <p>+ Động từ thường:&nbsp;<em>(từ để hỏi) + did + S + V bare + &hellip; ?</em></p> <p><strong>Past Continuous&nbsp;</strong><em>(th&igrave; qu&aacute; khứ tiếp diễn)</em>: th&igrave; được d&ugrave;ng khi muốn nhấn mạnh diễn biến hay qu&aacute; tr&igrave;nh của sự vật hay sự việc hoặc thời gian sự vật hay sự việc đ&oacute; diễn ra</p> <p>- C&acirc;u khẳng định:<em>&nbsp;S + was/were + Ving +&hellip;</em></p> <p>- C&acirc;u phủ định:&nbsp;<em>S + was/were + not + Ving + &hellip;</em></p> <p>- C&acirc;u hỏi:&nbsp;<em>(từ để hỏi) + was/were + S + Ving + &hellip; ?</em></p> <p><strong>Lời giải chi tiết:</strong></p> <p><strong>1.&nbsp;</strong>got, entered, walked<strong>:</strong>&nbsp;Past Simple</p> <p><strong>2.</strong>&nbsp;was watching<strong>:&nbsp;</strong>Past Continuous</p> <p><strong>3.&nbsp;</strong>was practising<strong>:&nbsp;</strong>Past Continuous<strong>&nbsp;;&nbsp;</strong>called<strong>:&nbsp;</strong>Past Simple</p> <p><strong>4.&nbsp;</strong>was listening, was watching:<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Past Continuous</p> <p><strong>5.&nbsp;</strong>went<strong>:</strong>&nbsp;Past Simple</p> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="57"> <p>1. A</p> </td> <td width="57"> <p>2. B</p> </td> <td width="57"> <p>3. E</p> </td> <td width="57"> <p>4. C</p> </td> <td width="57"> <p>5. D</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>1 &ndash; A:&nbsp;</strong>They&nbsp;<strong>got</strong>&nbsp;their tickets,&nbsp;<strong>entered</strong>&nbsp;the theatre and&nbsp;<strong>walked</strong>&nbsp;to their seats. &ndash; actions that happened one after another in the past</p> <p><strong>2 &ndash; B:&nbsp;</strong>Eva&nbsp;<strong>was watching</strong>&nbsp;TV at 9:15 last night. &ndash; an action that was happening at a definite time in the past</p> <p><strong>3 &ndash; E:&nbsp;</strong>Frank&nbsp;<strong>was practising</strong>&nbsp;his role when the director&nbsp;<strong>called</strong>&nbsp;him into her office. - an action that was happening in the past when another action interrupted it</p> <p><strong>4 &ndash; C:&nbsp;</strong>At 7 o&rsquo;clock yesterday evening, I&nbsp;<strong>was listening</strong>&nbsp;to music while Ann&nbsp;<strong>was watching&nbsp;</strong>TV. &ndash; actions that were happening at the same time in the past</p> <p><strong>5 &ndash; D:&nbsp;</strong>We&nbsp;<strong>went</strong>&nbsp;to the theatre yesterday. &ndash; an action that happened at a certain time in the past</p>
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