III. Reading - Unit 2
Hướng dẫn giải Bài 2 (Trang 22 SGK Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success)
<p><strong>Read the following text and choose the best title for it.</strong></p> <p>1. Green living&nbsp;</p> <p>2. Green issues&nbsp;</p> <p>3. Green products&nbsp;</p> <p>More and more people adopt a green lifestyle. It is a choice we make to change to a greener and more&nbsp;sustainable&nbsp;lifestyle. There are many things you can do to become an eco-friendly person. Here are some of them.</p> <p><strong>Turning off your appliances when they are not in use</strong></p> <p>This is one of the easiest ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. It also helps reduce energy bills and prevent any dangerous situations such as a fire or an explosion.</p> <p><strong>Buying products that are grown using more natural&nbsp;organic&nbsp;methods</strong></p> <p>This helps reduce the use of harmful chemicals in food. Organic food is better for us because it is safer and healthier. It also tastes better.</p> <p><strong>Cutting down&nbsp;on plastic use</strong></p> <p>This really helps the environment because it takes many years for plastic waste to break down into small pieces. Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping, and your own refillable bottle instead of buying bottled water.</p> <p><strong>Recycling as much as possible</strong></p> <p>This prevents pollution because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials and protects&nbsp;natural resources&nbsp;such as water and trees. So don't throw away your used household items, but sort and recycle them.</p> <p><strong>Phương ph&aacute;p giải:</strong></p> <p><strong>C&aacute;ch l&agrave;m b&agrave;i đọc:</strong></p> <p>- Đọc lướt to&agrave;n bộ b&agrave;i đọc.</p> <p>- Ch&uacute; &yacute; đến c&acirc;u mở đầu của mỗi đoạn.</p> <p>- Lựa chọn ti&ecirc;u đề hay nhất m&agrave; thể hiện được nội dung của to&agrave;n b&agrave;i chứ kh&ocirc;ng phải nội dung của một đoạn nhỏ trong b&agrave;i.</p> <p><strong>Lời giải chi tiết:</strong></p> <p>The best title for the text is&nbsp;<strong>1. Green living</strong></p> <p><strong>Th&ocirc;ng tin: </strong>There are many things you can do to become an eco-friendly person. Here are some of them.</p> <p>=&gt; Sống th&acirc;n thiện với m&ocirc;i trường ch&iacute;nh l&agrave; sống &ldquo;xanh&rdquo;. B&agrave;i đọc đưa ra 4 c&aacute;ch để sống &ldquo;xanh&rdquo;, n&ecirc;n ti&ecirc;u đề 1 l&agrave; hay nhất.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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