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Lớp 10 • Tiếng Anh
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Gia sư đã trả lời
thời gian07:59, 03/11/2023
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Trả lời

Gia sư Hải Yến

08:11, 03/11/2023

33. My TV crashes. I will call you. (when)
-> When my TV crashes, I will call you.
34. He has a new car. He drives it to work every day. (now that)
→ Now that he has a new car, he drives it to work every day.
35. I finished my homework. Then, I played soccer with my friends. (after)
→ After I finished my homework, I played soccer with my friends.
36. I often do exercises. Then, I have breakfast. (before)
-> Before I have breakfast, I often do exercises.
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