Chi tiết câu hỏi

Lớp 10 • Tiếng Anh
Hỏi nhanh
Gia sư đã trả lời
thời gian12:07, 22/03/2023
giải nhanh hộ em nha

Trả lời

Gia sư Hải Yến

12:19, 22/03/2023

33.Child marriage must be stopped because it limits children...
34.In the past blended learning is less popular than now
35.This is the most attractive job offer I have ever received
36.More job opportunities should be provided for women to reduce...
37.Some teachers whose computer skills are very poor may not want to use electronic devices
38.Do you know the boy who sat next to me at Nam's birthday party
39.The date of the meeting will have to be changed again

Em tham khảo nhé.

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